Why become a Member

As a member of the DPOA you will enjoy free access to all the benefits below, Plus resources, training, guidance, connection and the support you need to be more effective DPO

Benefits of Membership

On going Cyber Security Staff Training Videos

As a member you can apply for the online cyber security training videos. These can be automatically sent to all members of your staff via email either weekly or monthly. This qualifies as regular cyber security staff training and will fulfill an important part of GDPR compliance.

GDPR Compliance Legal Advocacy

Automatic Enrolment in our advocacy service. If the ICO or any of your clients claim that you are not keeping your data secure then as a member of the DPOA you will have the advice and backing to help you deal with the crisis.

On going Cyber Security Staff Training Videos

Automatic Enrolment in our advocacy service. If the ICO or any of your clients claim that you are not keeping your data secure then as a member of the DPOA you will have the advice and backing to help you deal with the crisis.

Bespoke GDPR Compliance Software (CSEL)

Full and FREE use of our specially designed GDPR Cyber Security Evidence Log (CSEL). This software accurately logs all of your cyber security actions. (This is only available to group DPOA members with more than 250 employees).

This is a GDPR compliance requirement! If you have a data breach you need to PROVE to the ICO and your clients that you have been actively keeping their data safe.

Our Cyber Security Evidence Log will be your evidence to prove you have done exactly that! Our CSEL software system will mitigate fines & litigation from the ICO & your clients.

All of your security actions and cyber security training will be recorded on our secure severs proving that you are actively keeping your data secure!

Certificate of Membership

Having a certificate of membership will show clearly that you take your responsibility of being a DPO seriously & are an active member of a association that is dedicated to helping DPO’S keep their clients data secure.

DPOA Letters after your name

Become a Licentiate of the DPOA & put “LDPOA” on your letter head, emails and all correspondence. i.e John Smith LDPOA.

The DPOA Members Forum

You can communicate with other certified DPOA members and discuss all matters relating to DPO issues. Available to certified members.

Discounts on all DPOA Conferences and Events

As a DPOA member you will receive a 20% discount to all DPOA Conferences and Events. In addition to all of these benefits you will be informed of up and coming DPOA conferences and events & much, much more…

Standard Yearly Member Ship Only £249.95 + VAT

Demonstrate your expertise & integrity with a Standard Membership. You’ll join a wide network of like-minded professionals, gain access to discounts off quality training, cutting-edge conferences & receive the guidance necessary to be fully GDPR compliant.
This membership includes:
  • Receive on going cyber security training videos.
  • GDPR Compliance legal advocacy
  • Certificate of Membership
  • DPOA letters after you name
  • Discounts on all DPOA Conferences and Events
This membership includes:

I cleared and confirmed that in order to process my application for membership

  • I have read and accept the code of conduct & by booking membership to the DPOA
  • I accept & will abide by this Code of Counduct
  •  understand that my personal data will be used by the DPOA to contact me regarding my membership by email and telephone

Group Membership: Only £995 per year + VAT

If you have 5 or more DPO officers and/or staff of 250 employee or more we offer you our Group Membership Plan
This membership includes:
  • Five or more DPOA membership!
  • Three or more CSEL accounts!
  • Receive on going cyber security traning videos for up to five DPO’s
  • Group rate discounts to our events and conferance 
  • Monthly Newsletter
  • GDPR compiance legal advocacy
  • Bespoke GDPR Compiance Software
  • Certificate of Membership
  • DPOA letter after your name
  • Full access to our DPOA membership Forum 
  • Discount on al DPOA Conferance and Events
This membership includes:

I declare and confirmed that in order to process my application for membership

  • I have read and accept the code of conduct & by booking membership to the DPOA
  • I accept & will abide by this Code of Counduct
  •  understand that my personal data will be used by the DPOA to contact me regarding my membership by email and telephone