In case an individual’s personal, financial, or professional benefits prevent them from acting in the best interests of others it leads to a conflict of interest. Making biased decisions can harm the trust between the parties involved. Conflicts of interest may occur within a DPO when the individual has personal or professional relationships, financial interests, or other affiliations. The performance of their data protection duties with impartiality may be affected by these affiliations.
Conflicts of interest may become apparent in many different forms. A DPO and a senior executive in charge of decision-making on data processing activities could have a personal relationship, as an example. Compromising the DPO’s ability to provide unbiased advice and oversight is a potential risk of having a personal relationship that creates bias or favoritism.
DPOs regard independence as a core principle. The objective fulfillment of the DPO’s responsibilities is guaranteed by eliminating any undue influence or pressure from both internal and external sources. The DPO can act as an unbiased advisor and supporter for data protection within the organization due to independence. By demonstrating a commitment to protect individuals’ privacy rights, stakeholders gain confidence.